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Ansök senast: 2025-02-15

Lecturer Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nurse)

Publicerad 2024-12-17

Job summary

Brunel University London is looking for an experienced SCPHN School Nurse on Part 3 of the register who has a passion for educating the next generation of School Nurses to make a difference to 0-19 care and address the NHS workforce plan. We would like you to bring your skills and experience to join our SCPHN team in the Department of Health Sciences, Brunel University London, where you will be teaching and supporting students undertaking their SCPHN qualification.

In your new role, you will have the opportunity to be part of a creative team, embedding the new SCPHN standards in the curriculum using innovative teaching and learning strategies. You will be working as part of a team who focus on enhancing the student experience and will share in the co-creation and delivery of this innovative programme. You will be expected to understand and be able to support a range of assessments in our on-campus facilities. We are particularly looking to recruit someone with strong professional experience and leadership as a School Nurse and Practice Supervisor / Assessor, ideally with experience of teaching in Practice and / or Higher Education context.

Main duties of the job

In order to be successful in this post, you should have:

  • A first degree, with the potential to undertake post graduate studies
  • Current and active Part 3 registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a SCPHN School Nurse
  • Recent professional experience as a School Nurse
  • A Higher Education teaching qualification and/or an HEA Fellowship, or willingness to undertake this within the first 12-24 months
  • Up-to-date, sound knowledge of current developments in health, social care and the range of skills required to teach the subject
  • Experience of leading and implementing creative approaches to developing teaching and learning of SCPHN related skills and knowledge in university and/or practice setting
  • Competent in learning technologies for effective use in teaching, learning and assessment
  • About us

    Brunel University London was established in 1966and is a leading multidisciplinary research-intensive technology universitydelivering economic, social and cultural benefits.

    Job description

    Job responsibilities

    Main accountabilities:

    Tocontribute to a positive student experience through the design and delivery ofhigh-quality research-informed teaching, student support and administration by:

    Engagingthe interest and enthusiasm of students, inspiring them to learn

    Developinginnovative teaching, learning and assessment methods that are informed bysector best practice and pedagogic scholarship, bringing new insights to theCollege

    Providingeffective student support and guidance

    Takingresponsibility for specific administrative duties such as admissions,examinations, assessments

    Key duties and responsibilities:

    This job description indicates the expectations andresponsibilities of staff at this level.This does not mean that staff will be expected to do all the listedactivities all of the time, nor does it guarantee that they will be given theopportunity to do all of these activities, although it does mean that theUniversity can expect and require a member of staff at this level to undertakethese activities when requested, with reasonable notification and support. Similarly, the job description is not exhaustiveand a post holder may be required to undertake duties of a similar level andresponsibility.

    Teaching Practice

    Takeappropriate responsibility for the design and effective delivery of teachingacross a range of modules at UG and PG level, working with the team to ensurecoherence of the programme

    Developappropriate methods and resources for teaching and learning support in relationto lectures, tutorials, practicals and seminars, including on-line anddistance learning and placement preparation

    Designand develop teaching resources, including practical work, that support definedlearning objectives, foster debate, critical discourse, and develop the abilityof students to engage in reasoned arguments and rational thinking

    Leadon developing a blended learning approach appropriate to the discipline, andthe use of Brunels Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

    Setand mark course work and examinations; select appropriate assessmentinstruments and criteria and provide constructive and comprehensive feedback tostudents

    Supervisestudent projects and placements

    Identifyareas where current provision requires revision or improvement

    Ensurethat module design and delivery comply with the quality standards andDepartment/College/University regulations

    Student and StaffSupport

    Providepastoral care to students, adopting an approachable and accessible attitude andoffering regular contact, in line with BUL tutoring policy

    Monitorstudent progress, providing support, including advice on study skills, asrequired

    Visitstudents during their placement

    Dealwith student discipline, suitability matters, complaints and appeals asrequired

    Actas a responsible team member, leading where agreed, and develop productiveworking relationships with other members of staff

    Cooperatewith colleagues in the continuous review and development of the programme,including use of the VLE

    Managethe work of others when requested to do so

    Mentorcolleagues with less experience and advise on personal development

    Administration andManagement

    Manageall administrative and student related matters in relation to own modules,including co-ordinating the work of others

    Takeresponsibility for specific administrative duties such as admissions,examinations, assessments, personal tutoring

    Attendand contribute to departmental, College and University meetings as required

    Takean active role in student recruitment activities


    Communicatecomplex and conceptual ideas in an accessible format

    Disseminategood practice within subject area, department and College

    Participatein and develop external networks, for example to contribute to studentrecruitment, secure student placements, facilitate outreach work, generateincome, obtain consultancy projects or build relationships for futureactivities


    Engagein scholarship as required to support teaching activities

    Extend,transform and apply knowledge acquired from scholarship to teaching andappropriate external activities

    Contributeto competitive proposals for funding of education enhancement projects

    External Engagement

    Participatein appropriate learning and teaching events internally and externally

    Attendlocal/regional discipline meetings where attendance is beneficial to your roleat the University

    Professional Development

    Expectedto achieve Fellow of the HEA within 2 years of appointment

    Undertake and evidence continuous professional development(CPD) relevant to discipline and subject area, complying with professionalstandards board requirements for CPD

    Person Specification



  • First degree or equivalent in relevant subject area
  • PhD or appropriate professional qualification in relevant discipline
  • Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council on Part 3 of the Register (Specialist Practice Qualification Community Nursing) School Nursing
  • V150 or V300 prescribing qualification
  • Desirable

  • A Higher Education teaching qualification and/or an HEA Fellowship, or willingness to undertake this within the first 12-24 months
  • Liknande jobb

    Publicerad: 2024-11-28
    • London
    Publicerad: 2024-11-07
    • London
    Publicerad: 2024-12-16
    • Basel
    • Heltid