) University Positions - EDHEC Business School

EDHEC Business School

"The exceptional momentum generated over the last decade has carried us to Paris, London and Singapore and put our French campuses in line with the highest international standards. We have also asserted our globally-recognised expertise in finance and organised other centres of excellence that are conducting major research projects.

Throughout all these changes in scale, we have retained our objective of exerting a positive impact on business, the economy and society in general.

This philosophy is now reinforced by our 2020 strategic plan. EDHEC Business School’s distinctive model provides it with agility as well as the ability to respond to market needs with innovative training programmes in the School’s various fields of activity, both in France and internationally.

EDHEC’s continued internationalisation remains a major goal. The world is on the move and EDHEC is moving with it. Our independent status and growth over the last few years ensure we can look forward to the future with optimism. We want to help businesses to grow, to contribute to the future of young people, to meet international challenges in the training field, and to develop new academic, scientific and economic projects. In short, we want to assert our entrepreneurial and innovative qualities, something that EDHEC Business School has always done and a factor that contributes to our strength."

Olivier OGER, Dean of EDHEC Business School