) University Positions - Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU)

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU)

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is one of the younger higher education institutions in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia – founded in 1965. Since 1988 our university has carried the name of one of the city’s finest sons. Today around 25,000 students study at a modern campus under conditions ideally suited to academic life.

As a campus university where everything is close together, all buildings including the University Hospital and the specialised libraries are easily reachable. Our university departments enjoy an excellent reputation due to an exceptionally high number of collaborative research centres. Moreover, the state capital Düsseldorf provides an attractive environment with a high quality of life.

University Facts and Figures
Our young university already has a long tradition: It has grown out of the Medical Academy founded in 1907. In 1965 the university was created by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It started with three faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

In 1988 it was renamed Heinrich Heine University and experienced a period of dynamic growth. In the 1990s two new faculties were added: the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Law. Today, around 26,000 students, more than 1,700 lecturers and 900 further employees study, teach, and work on our campus. At the beginning of the winter semester 2013/14 we were able to welcome about 5,800 new students.