) University Positions - Institut Curie

Institut Curie

Institut Curie, a private non-profit foundation recognised as a public-interest institution since 1921, is a major player in the fight against cancer, comprising France’s leading cancer research centre and a world-class hospital group in Paris, Orsay and Saint-Cloud.

Founded in 1909 on a model conceived by Nobel laureate Marie Curie that is still at the cutting edge “of fundamental research and innovative treatment”, Institut Curie’s missions include treatment and research for the benefit of cancer patients, as well as training and education.

Patient care
The Hospital Group treats a wide range of cancers and is a referral centre for breast cancer, eye tumours, and paediatric cancers. Adopting an ongoing multidisciplinary approach, it draws on pre-eminently qualified staff and cutting-edge techniques to provide comprehensive continuous care for each patient at every stage of the disease, with the ever-present goal of improving quality of life. As the birthplace of radiotherapy and a pioneer in conservative treatment and pain management, it continues to innovate in complex techniques and treatment procedures (e.g. high-precision radiotherapy, including proton therapy, imaging, oncoplasty, oncogenetics, etc.) while developing clinical research and precision medicine.

The mission of the Research Centre is to understand the complex workings of both normal and cancerous cells in their environment in an effort to find innovative and increasingly effective therapeutic approaches. The Centre comprises numerous multidisciplinary teams equipped with state-of-the-art technological platforms. To accelerate the transfer of scientific discoveries to the clinical setting, and thus offer patients the benefits of diagnostic and therapeutic innovations as rapidly as possible, so-called translational research relies on the expertise of joint teams of researchers and physicians.

Teaching and training are a priority of Institut Curie. By participating in outreach and the dissemination of learning, Institut Curie contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of patient care.

Authorised to receive donations and bequests, Institut Curie enjoys a diverse range of private and public funding enabling it to invest in innovative projects.

For further information, see: http://www.curie.fr/

Key figures for 2014
14,300 patients treated (including 5,000 new patients)
154,000 office visits
3,300 staff members
507 medical and scientific articles published in leading international journals (2014 inCites figures)
180,000 donors
Overall budget: 324 million euros including 41.8 million euros donated by the public