) University Positions - Trier University

Trier University

Trier University’s Executive Board is composed of the Presiding Committee (President, Vice-Presidents) and the Chancellor as the head of administration and finance.

The University bodies comprise the University Council (“Hochschulrat”), the Board of Advisors (“Hochschulkuratorium”) and the Academic Senate.

The administration of Trier University incorporates the President’s Administrative Department (i.a. responsible for research, further education, public relations and judicial affairs), the Chancellor’s Administrative Department (i.a. responsible for strategy, development and financial controlling), and the commissaries for various affairs (i.a. responsible for waste, fire and occupational safety, data protection, further training, staff physician, and addiction counselling) from the divisions Finance (division I), Student Affairs (II), Human Resources (III), and Technology (IV).

The fields of studies at Trier University are divided into six faculties, whose individual administration is overseen by its respective dean.

The University provides central service facilities, such as the library, the computer, sports, and media centres, with each department in addition having its own academic facilities or affiliated institutes.

The Employee Committee represents the interests of the University staff. In addition there is a Youth and Trainees' Representative Council.

The Secretaries' Network (SNW) seeks to uphold the interests of the office assistants.