) University Positions - University of Exeter

University of Exeter

The Science Strategy is a new way forward for science at the University of Exeter. Its interdisciplinary approach is breaking down barriers between academic schools and bringing staff together to tackle some of the big issues of our time. The Strategy is seeking to invest £230 million of internal and external income in five key themes of activity. The University will be investing £27 million in staffing and infrastructure developments, £83 million in science-related capitol projects (including new buildings and refurbishment of current facilities), and will be raising £75 million in earned research income for research projects, students, and collaborations.

The University already has strength and depth in these areas and they fit closely with international research priorities. It does not mean that Exeter will only teach and research in these areas of science. The core internationally rated science will remain a top priority; however the five themes are the University’s investment priorities for the immediate future.

The five interdisciplinary research themes are:

  • Climate change and sustainable futures. This theme entails working closely with the Met Office through a strategic partnership.
  • Systems biology
  • Extrasolar planets
  • Functional materials
  • Translational medicine, personalised healthcare and public health
The University of Exeter also has extensive world class research in the arts, humanities and social sciences and aspects of this work are incorporated in the science strategy.

Exeter is taking major strides in the quality and quantity of its research in all areas of activity. Great attention has been paid to recruiting and developing world class research teams. During the last academic year the University won new research funding worth nearly £50 million.