University of Greenwich

The University of Greenwich is building a vibrant research and enterprise culture which informs teaching, benefits the community and society, and enriches the creativity and innovation of staff.
We undertake a wide range of research and enterprise, including work in the humanities and creative arts, health and social care, and science and engineering. Our research record has deep roots, going back more than a century. At the same time, we are nurturing emerging research areas, and supporting the career development of a growing network of early career researchers.
Innovation and partnership
Our researchers work with international business and industry clients, with local and regional councils, with health services, and with governments and charitable agencies in developing countries.
We are partners in the Medway Innovation Centre providing both technical and commercial development expertise to new businesses across South East England. Our Greenwich Research & Enterprise office was shortlisted for the 2010 Times Higher Education Outstanding Research Management Team.
Investing for success
In addition to expanding work undertaken by our established research groups, we are developing new and exciting initiatives in a range of areas including genomics, fragment-based drug discovery, pest-control, serious computer games, and sports science.
Revenues from externally-funded grants and contracts are increasing by more than 25% per annum, and the number of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships undertaken by the university has trebled in the past three years. The overall contract value for research at the University of Greenwich was the highest among the post-1992 group of institutions (HE-BCI survey).
Research and enterprise at the University of Greenwich has much to contribute to the regions we serve, and with current rapid growth the university is a very exciting place to be.