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    • Paris

Laatste sollicitatiedag: 2025-03-21

Assistant/ Associate Professor in Creativity or Design Management

Gepubliceerd 2025-01-20

KEDGE Business School est une Ecole de management française de référence présente sur 4 campus en France (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille et Toulon), 2 en Chine (Shanghai et Suzhou), 2 en Afrique (Sénégal et Cote d'Ivoire) et 6 campus associés (Avignon, Bastia, Bayonne, Mont-de-Marsan, Dakar, Abidjan).

KEDGE BS propose une offre de 38 formations en management et en design, pour étudiants et professionnels, et déploie des formations sur-mesure pour les entreprises au niveau national et international.

Les enseignants chercheurs de KEDGE contribuent à l'avancée des connaissances en management à travers des travaux de recherche appliquée et fondamentale. Ils sont à l'origine d'une production de publications, ouvrages, colloques... qui place l'école au premier rang des Business Schools françaises en matière de recherche.

Classée par le Figaro Etudiant et Challenges 8e meilleure Business School en France et 34e Europe du classement Financial Times, KEDGE Business School est accréditée AACSB, EQUIS et AMBA, reconnue et visée par l'Etat français, et membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

Assistant/Associate Professor in Creativity or Design Management

(Campus of Paris or Marseille)

Strategy, Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship Department

KEDGE Business School is a business school with 4 campuses in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, and Toulon), 4 abroad with 2 in China (Shanghai and Suzhou), 2 in Africa (Dakar and Abidjan) and 4 associated campuses (Avignon, Bastia, Bayonne, Mont-de-Marsan). The KEDGE Business School community includes 16,000 students (29% foreign students), 221 full-time faculty members (39% of which are international), 341 international academic partners and 90,000 alumni across the world. Ranked 34rd amongst European Business Schools, KEDGE Business School is AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accredited and a member of the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles.

In the Strategy department, the professors teach various disciplines as part of the higher education and Executive Education programmes, while encouraging educational innovation and the development of online learning.

They give classes in the main and traditional areas of management as well as in the specialised fields of social entrepreneurship, business development and small business management, design thinking, eco-design, innovation and technology, responsible management, sustainability, new business models in the circular economy, industrial ecology paradigms, ethics and corruption, business & politics and health management.

The position is open in the strategy department within KEDGE Arts School. KEDGE Arts School is an Institute of Arts, Design and Creative Industries Management attached to the KEDGE Business School group. KEDGE Arts School aims to produce and disseminate knowledge on the management of the arts, culture, design and creative industries. It brings together a research centre and several teaching programmes, mainly the Sino-French Institute in Management of Arts and Design (Shanghai/Paris), the MSc Arts & Creative Industries Management (Paris) and the MSc Creativity & Design Management (Marseille).

Responsibilities :

  • Teaching and educational development (bachelor and master level) ;
  • Student supervision and coaching ;
  • Pedagogical Engineerinf ;
  • Research Projects with companies or international institutions ;
  • Publication in academic and professional journals ;
  • Participation in national and international calls for projects.

Profile and skills required :

  • PhD in management, design or psychosociology with a research field focuses on creativity, creativity management and/or desgin ;
  • Teaching experience and ability to teach creativity management, with a focus on design and innovation ; 
  • Expertise in creativity, social innovation and design ;
  • Ability to teach courses in English (French would be appreciated as well) ;
  • International creative network ; 
  • Skills in project engineering ; 
  • Skills in Arts & Design history. 

Procedure of application

Interested candidates should provide the following elements:

  • a cover letter containing your motivation for the position
  • an up-to-date curriculum vitae with a list of publications
  • a teaching statement (including course details and course evaluations)
  • a suumary of your cultural network
  • two references who can be contacted

Compensations and benefits:

Permanent contract/ Full time

Status: Executive

Salary: to be negotiated /over 13 months / Bonuses (research, executive education, etc.)

Paid leaves 35 days per year + 15 exemption days per year

Others benefits: lunch vouchers + mobility bonus + complementary insurance

Support provided for you moving in France (accommodation search, school for the kids, visa procedures, administrative procedures, French lessons, etc.)

Starting date: September 2025

If you have questions regarding the position, please contact:


Head of KEDGE Arts School


All of the School's employees are aware of the issues of inclusiveness, whether it be disability, gender or equal opportunity. Our school attaches key importance to inclusiveness, which is embodied in two of our strategic pillars: sustainability and inclusiveness.

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Gepubliceerd: 2025-03-14
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