Computer Lecturer
Job Title:ComputingLecturer
Hours Perweek: 35
ContractStatus: Permanent
Salary: £27,146.00– £37,795.00 per annum (salary points 27-38)
Foran exceptional candidate a salary enhancement may be offered.
Applicationdeadline: 06 April2025
We are able to offer a fractionalpost to the successful candidate.
Areyou newly graduated in computing? Are you retired or semi-retiredand looking for another opportunity? Or are you currently workingin the computer industry and looking for an opportunity that willinvolve inspiring the next generation of computingexperts? Then read on!
Calderdale College islooking to recruit an outstanding individual who is skilled in thearea of computing. This fantastic opportunity will allow you towork with a passionate team which delivers computing qualificationsup to A-level standard. We are looking for candidates who may ormay not be qualified teachers, as we would support you to developyour teaching practice.
You will play a crucialrole in delivering the computing curriculum to the next generation,collaborating with leading innovative employers in the computingindustry. By crafting and developing imaginative learning sessions,you will inspire and impart your computing expertise to futurecomputing expert.
We are looking for someone withthe skills to deliver one or more of the following: SoftwareDevelopment, Cyber Security or Networking and knowledge of Agileworking.
We are committed tosafeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people andvulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share thiscommitment. Appointments are subject to a Disclosure andBarring Service check.
Whenwe shortlist candidates, we will inform those who have beenshortlisted that online search may be conducted as part of the duediligence checks. The college will ensure to communicate the lawfulbasis on which this personal information will becollected.
For furtherinformation and an application pack please click to apply viawebsite.