Lecturer in Business
Media, Business and DigitalIndustries
MaternityCover 0.9 Lecturer in Business
£30,195 - £36,065per annum actual salary
TheBusiness Department at Paston College and City College Norwichoffer Business courses to 16–19-year-old students across Level 1, 2and 3 which includes Level 2 T Level Foundation Year
Business and 2 pathways of the T LevelBusiness (Management & Administration) course.
We are looking for a well-qualified,experienced, and inspirational lecturer to join our Businessteaching team based predominately at our Paston Campus to courselead our T Level Business course as well as contribute towards ourLevel 2 provision at Paston. You will also have some teaching atthe Ipswich Road campus within the Norwich team.
The successful applicant will bring theirteaching experience and participate enthusiastically with theplanning, delivery and assessment of our Business courses. You willbe able to deliver high quality planned sessions which are activeand engaging. You should also be able to provide high levels ofchallenge and support learner progress through ongoing feedback toensure that students can achieve their full potential and highgrades.
In addition to the planning andteaching of our business courses, the successful applicant will usetheir professional skills and industrial experiences to support ourbusiness students with developing their employability andtransferable soft skills they will need to progress onto theirchosen FE Course, employment route, apprenticeship or universitycourse.
To view the Job Description and toapply please click the 'apply'button.
Closingdate: 23rd March2025
As a College we are requiredto undertake various Safer Recruitment checks as set out within theguidance from the Department for Education Keeping Child Safe inEducation. We require all staff to undertake an enhanced Adultand Child Workforce DBS Check and to register with the DBS UpdateService. Please note: From 28 November 2020 thegovernment implemented changes to the filtering rules, and we havebeen instructed that we cannot accept any update service checks onDBS certificates that have been issued before thisdate. Therefore, a new one must be completed with City CollegeNorwich.