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    • Lund
  • Full time
  • Recruitment


  • Medicine


  • Senior Lecturer

Apply by: 2025-02-15

Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine combined with employment as specialist physician/consultant, based in Helsingborg

Published 2024-11-22

Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

The Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund (Swedish abbreviation IKVL) is one of the six departments that make up the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. We have a strong focus on clinical and epidemiological research, and we also conduct extensive experimental laboratory research.


Permanent employment as Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine at IKVL, based in Helsingborg, combined with employment as a specialist physician/consultant at Helsingborg Hospital.


Work duties primarily involve working as a teaching staff member within clinical subject areas on the Medical Programme in Helsingborg.

The holder of the position is expected to be prepared to assume management duties for internal medicine subject areas within the Medical Programme such as course location responsibility in Helsingborg and/or general management duties within the Medical Programme.

The Medical Programme currently operates in Malmö, Lund and Helsingborg, with clinical placements at other hospitals. The holder of the position should therefore be aware that duties may be conducted at more than one location.

The holder of the position is also expected to teach in the first, second and third cycles within the faculty’s various study programmes.

The holder of the position is expected to lead high-level research within the relevant subject area, while prompting colleagues and doctoral students to undertake local collaborations that further develop research activities in Helsingborg and at the Division of Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg (Swedish abbreviation AKVH). This can take place in close cooperation with other research teams at Lund University and Skåne University Hospital, and preferably in national and international research environments.

The holder of the position is also to be prepared to take on the role as head of the Division of Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg, within IKVL. The head of division role means responsibility, delegated by the  head of department, for University-employed staff, finances, staff work environment and fire safety. The head of division is also expected to coordinate work environment and fire safety management with representatives of Region Skåne.

The position may also include internal and/or external elected office. Other duties may also be included.

The position is combined with employment as a specialist physician/consultant at Helsingborg Hospital with one of the following specialisations: endocrinology and diabetology, geriatrics, haematology, internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonary diseases, medical gastroenterology and hepatology, renal medicine, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, rheumatology or neurology.

Qualification requirements

In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4 a person is eligible to be appointed as senior lecturer if they have demonstrated research expertise and been awarded a doctoral degree or have the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the position and the duties that it will involve.

Teaching expertise is also required. According to the Lund University Appointment Rules, the applicant must have completed training in teaching and learning in higher education of at least five weeks or have acquired equivalent knowledge in another way in order to be eligible, unless there are special grounds. If the holder of the position is deemed to have special grounds for not having completed training in teaching and learning in higher education of at least five weeks at the time of taking up the position, they must complete such training within two years of starting the position.

Swedish language skills of at least level C1 according to the Council of Europe’s Framework of Reference for Languages is required. The applicant must be a licensed physician and specialist in one of the following: endocrinology and diabetology, geriatrics, haematology, internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonary diseases, medical gastroenterology and hepatology, renal medicine, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, rheumatology or neurology.

Assessment criteria

The applicant must demonstrate teaching, research, administrative and clinical expertise of significance for the subject. During the assessment, equal weight will be accorded to teaching and research expertise. 

The applicant is to demonstrate teaching expertise of relevance to the subject within both teaching and supervision in first, second and third-cycle education. This can be demonstrated by a good ability to plan, lead, develop and implement education, as well as the ability to apply clinical expertise in course or programme components.

The ability to lead first and second-cycle university education will be considered an additional merit.

The applicant is to demonstrate research expertise by their own current research being conducted at a high national or international level. Research expertise is demonstrated by publications in international scientific journals, grants obtained in competition, and experience in national and international research collaboration. Furthermore, research expertise is demonstrated through research programmes relevant to the subject and conditions for long-term career development.

The applicant is also to demonstrate proven leadership ability, capacity for cooperation and the ability to collaborate with wider society.

Teaching staff at Lund University are required to be suitable for the position and to have the general ability to fulfil their work duties well. In addition to the Higher Education Ordinance, the following apply to the appointment of teaching staff: Lund University Appointment Rules and the Faculty of Medicine’s general requirements profile and assessment criteria for the appointment of a senior lecturer .

Further information

For further information, please contact Dean Maria Björkqvist, tel. +46 72 700 71 63, maria.bjorkqvist@med.lu.se or Head of Department Mikael Bodelsson, tel +46 46 17 19 42 mikael.bodelsson@med.lu.se 

Information about the application procedure can be provided by the recruitment officer, Eva Nilsson, tel. +46 46 222 17 89, eva_a.nilsson@med.lu.se.

The position will be filled following a proposal from the Faculty of Medicine’s Academic Appointments Board.

Application procedure

Applications are to be submitted electronically via the Lund University application portal no later than 15 February 2025. Applications are reported in accordance with the Faculty of Medicine’s Guidelines for Academic Appointments (see https://www.medicin.lu.se/lfn under the heading Instructions for Applicants).

The University sets salaries on an individual basis. Please state your salary expectation in your application.

Lund University welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We consider gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset. We welcome your application! Due to procurement regulations, we kindly decline all contacts from advertising brokers and recruitment and headhunting companies.

The Faculty of Medicine is a part of Lund University, and is responsible for education and research within medicine and healthcare. Our academic programs are closely linked with the healthcare system and are firmly anchored in the faculty’s strong research tradition. Our research spans a broad field within experimental preclinical research, near-patient clinical research and health sciences research. The Faculty of Medicine, with its 1,800 employees and 2,700 students in Lund and Malmö, is a knowledge-intensive meeting place for students, teachers and researchers from all over the world.

We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Enligt överenskommelse
Salary Månadslön
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent Heltid
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2024/2003
  • Maria Björkqvist, +46727007163, maria.bjorkqvist@med.lu.se
  • Mikael Bodelsson, +46705908218, mikael.bodelsson@med.lu.se
  • Eva Nilsson, +462221789, eva_a.nilsson@med.lu.se
Union representative
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362, st@st.lu.se
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet, kansli@saco-s.lu.se, kansli@saco-s.lu.se
  • SEKO: Seko Civil, 046-2229366, sekocivil@seko.lu.se
Published 20.Nov.2024
Last application date 15.Feb.2025 11:59 PM CET