Senior Research Associate in Earth System Modelling of the Last Glacial Cycle – University of B[...]
The School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK, seeks a Senior Research Associate/Research Fellow in Earth System Modelling of the Last Glacial Cycle.
Past climates provide a unique test-bed of our fundamental understanding of key processes and mechanisms that control the Earth system, as well as the potential for testing state-of-the-art Earth system models in regimes other than today. The last glacial-interglacial cycle is a particularly important and interesting period as data quality is high yet there remain many aspects of Earth System change that we do not fully understand.
This senior five-year Research Fellowship will initially be responsible for configuring, running, analysing, and publishing Earth System model simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum (21,000 years before present), using the state-of-the-art UKESM model. A provisional configuration is already working but this needs to be finalised and long runs need to be completed. Subsequently, there will be considerable flexibility to develop a research portfolio to explore the mechanism and processes controlling past changes to the Earth system. This will likely include further simulations with UKESM and the use of other models such as HadCM3 and GENIE, as well as extensive comparison to palaeo-data.
The LGM simulations will be the UKESM contribution to the Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP4) and comparison of our results to other model simulations for the period will be strongly encouraged. PMIP is part of CMIP6 and we expect our results to feed into the next IPCC assessment reports and therefore to ultimately inform policy.