
    • Northallerton

Ansök senast: 2025-03-07

Senior Researcher (post doctoral) HDRC-NY

Publicerad 2025-01-06

Job summary

North Yorkshire Council has been successful in theirapplication for £5 million to tackle inequalities and improve health outcomesacross North Yorkshire through research. The funding has been awarded by the National Institute forHealth and Care Research to create a pioneering Health DeterminantsResearch Collaboration in North Yorkshire.

This collaboration will undertake ground-breaking work withthe Universities of Hull and York to develop the research culture of theCouncil and build partnerships to conduct and use research on the health andwellbeing issues that matter to communities, and which reduce inequalitiesNorth Yorkshire Health Determinants Research Collaboration.

Theinvestment will embed a culture of evidence-based decision-making within localgovernment and will help to stimulate economic growth, particularly in some ofthe most deprived areas, and contribute to the Governments plans to takeactions for the longer-term health and wealth of the country.

The HDRCs, spanning the length and breadth of the UK, followa major drive for enabling research to address wider determinants of populationhealth and health inequalities. Workingin partnership with residents, including diverse and seldom heard communitiesand the voluntary sector, the HDRC North Yorkshire will focus on identifyinglocal solutions that address the most difficult challenges.

Main duties of the job

Developing a research culture is central to the delivery ofHDRC North Yorkshire, and the Senior Researcher roles are pivotal to the deliveryof our research ambitions. Thepostholder/s will work at the interface of research, policy, and practice witha focus on the determinants of health and wellbeing and tackling inequalities.

The postholder/s will be part of a newly formed team of HDRCNY embedded researchers working alongside colleagues employed by theUniversities of Hull and York. They willlead and develop research that builds Council-University partnerships toimprove health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. They will also carry out health and wellbeingresearch on topics that matter to communities. The postholder will receive anhonorary contract with University of Hull and have access to academic supportand supervision through our wider HDRC partnership. The successful applicant/swill be expected to collaboratively develop and obtain external funding tosupport the long-term sustainability of the councils research activity.

The postholder/s will work alongside other HDRCstaff leading work areas of behavioural science, health economics, publicinvolvement in research and research governance. The postholder/s will lead and developresearch activities that meet the Councils research needs and help ensure thatoutputs from HDRC NY are impactful.

About us

You will:

  • Have an emerging track record of designing and deliveringhigh quality research on health, inequalities, and its wider determinantstogether with research publications and dissemination activities.
  • Be experienced in designing and delivering co-production inresearch studies.
  • Possess excellent analytical skills for qualitative and/orquantitative research (please ensure you adequately describe your researchskills in your application).
  • Possess knowledge and understanding of respective roles oflocal authorities, universities, and key stake holders within the localresearch ecosystem.
  • Be experienced in developing and implementing multi-agencyresearch, engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, and working acrossorganisational boundaries.
  • Understand the barriers in bringing research into practice,and the implementation strategies that can facilitate its adoption.
  • Have experience of contributing to the preparation ofresearch grant applications.
  • Have experience of contributing to the design and deliveryof training in research skills and knowledge.
  • Possess excellent communication skills and the ability tolead, motivate and influence others.
  • Be a motivated, independent, collaborative researcher, withexcellent time management and project management skills.
  • Job description

    Job responsibilities

    Job Context

    This is an exciting new role within our newly establishedNational Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health DeterminantsResearch Collaboration (HDRC) North Yorkshire. The HDRC North Yorkshire is acollaboration with the Universities of Hull and York that will develop theresearch culture of North Yorkshire Council (NYC) and build Council-Universitypartnerships to conduct and use research on the health and wellbeing issuesthat matter to communities, and which reduce inequalities (see NIHR Award158758

    This is an excellent opportunity for an ambitiouscandidate to develop their career at the interface of research, policy, andpractice with a focus on the determinants of health and wellbeing and tackling inequalities.As a Senior Researcher in the NIHRHealth Determinants Research Collaboration North Yorkshire, this role is pivotal to the work of the HDRC North Yorkshire andthe delivery of our research ambition. Workingcollaboratively with frontline Council staff, managers, and leaders, supportedby our growing research community of practice, the Senior Researcher will leadand develop research activities that meet the Councils research needs.

    The HDRC NY hasfour work packages, each co-Lead by Council staff and University academics:development of research infrastructure & governance, development ofresearch capacity & capability, dissemination & impact, and learning& evaluation. Working with HDRCcolleagues across our four work packages, the successful applicant will beexpected to collaboratively develop and obtain external funding to support the long-termsustainability of the councils research activity.

    The postholder will be part of a newly formed team of HDRCembedded researchers employed by the Universities of Hull and York. They will work alongside other HDRC staffleading work areas of behavioural science, health economics, public involvementin research and research governance. Thepostholder will receive an honorary contract with Hull University and access toacademic support and supervision through our wider HDRC partnership.

    Job Purpose

    Thepurpose of the role is to lead and direct research activity across NYC, workingat the interface of research, policy and practice securing knowledge exchangeto transform the way the council delivers services to maximise health andreduce inequalities.

    Operational Management

  • Lead the development and delivery ofHDRC research work programmes ensuring milestones are met and workloadsprioritised.
  • Carry out research in collaboration withcouncil staff and academic partners.
  • Design, deliver and evaluate trainingto build the research capacity and capability of the NYC workforce.
  • Interpretcomplex research and information (quantitative and qualitative) to influencedecision making and drive the research agenda and culture across the Council.
  • Lead the development of competitiveresearch grant proposals for external funding working collaboratively withdirectorate research leads, service managers, other relevant staff, andacademic partners.
  • Lead the development and monitoring ofresearch performance indicators/impact measures of the researchprojects/programmes.
  • Meet reportingrequirements of project grant agreements.
  • Lead the production of research performancereports and submit to relevant committees as required (, HDRC Strategic SteeringGroup which includes Assistant Directors and Councillors Representatives).
  • When successful funding bids aremobilised, manage recruitment and training of research staff and provideday-to-day management of relevant team members.
  • Strategic Management

  • Lead collaborative work withdirectorate research leads and service managers to identify opportunities forresearch, and shape programmes of work.
  • Lead and develop an evolving researchculture and collaborative working across the HDRC Team, Council, Universities,and other partners.
  • Provide academic and research advice tofrontline council staff, managers, and leaders.
  • Advise and guide the HDRC NY researchtraining offer to meet the needs of the NYC workforce.
  • Contribute to the design, developmentand monitoring of HDRC NYs impact at an individual and council-wide level.
  • Horizon scan to identify researchopportunities that align with the Councils business needs and priorities.
  • Resource Management

  • Where appropriate, act as budgetholder for specific projects or initiatives.
  • Manage and report on the progress ofspecific grant-related projects.
  • Partnerships

  • Convene and chair a range of researchrelated meetings to support research capacity building and knowledge exchange.
  • Advise and develop NYC researchcommunities of practice to influence research strategic priorities and practicewithin directorates.
  • Foster and build a range ofrelationships with partner organisations to support research collaborationaround a range of topics relevant to NYC priorities.
  • Communications

  • Prepare and present reports andpresentations to senior audiences, including multi-agency partnerships,directorate leadership teams, service leaderships teams, and elected members.
  • Provide research advice to senioraudiences including the members of directorate leadership teams, serviceleadership teams, and senior officers in partner organisations.
  • Adapt language and style to a varietyof audiences and deliver persuasive, memorable communications.
  • Present complex and sensitive researchinformation meaningfully to a range of different audiences.
  • Prepare reports for funders,publications for peer-reviewed journals, professional network publications, andactivities to disseminate the work of HDRC NY.
  • Promote and represent the HDRC NY at national,regional, and local policy, operational and co-ordination forums with externalagencies and other services when required.
  • Lead and develop a variety of researchdissemination activities and knowledge exchange events.
  • Systems and Information

  • Carry out duties in accordance withNYC systems and information policies.
  • Utilise the agreed business processesin relation to record keeping, financial monitoring and ICT.
  • Regularly monitor outcomes/impact inrelation to specific research activities/initiatives.
  • Formulate and utilise informationmanagement systems , computer software to collate and compile records andto convey information.
  • Safeguarding

  • Be aware of safeguardingresponsibilities and raise alerts if required.
  • Promote safe and ethical research bydirecting colleagues to NYCs research related governance frameworks and policies.
  • Person Specification



  • A PhD or equivalent experience in a relevant discipline.
  • Occupational Skills


  • Knowledge and application of a range of research designs and methodologies that can be applied to health and community settings.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Highly developed inter-personal skills and an ability to influence others.
  • Ability to present evidence to inform decision making and policy, adapting style and approach to audience.
  • Ability to lead, manage and motivate individuals and teams to deliver high quality impactful research.
  • Experience of designing and delivering training in research skills and knowledge.
  • Ability to work in an open and transparent way, providing information and communicating effectively with colleagues.
  • Able to handle and negotiate conflict effectively and understand different perspectives.
  • Ability to plan, organise and monitor own work, with minimal supervision, in order to achieve tasks and meet deadlines.
  • Effective management of resources delivering projects on time and in budget.
  • Excellent analytical skills for qualitative and/or quantitative research.
  • Good IT skills and ability to use a range of IT and research packages.
  • Good understanding of data protection legislation and guidance.
  • Effective participation in networks that seek to promote research collaboration.
  • Desirable

  • Named investigator on successful research funding bids.
  • Experience


  • Understanding of the opportunities and challenges in developing a strong research culture in local government to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities.
  • Knowledge of approaches to develop a research active local authority.
  • Understanding of respective roles of local authorities, universities, and key stake holders within the local research ecosystem.
  • Understanding of the barriers in bringing research into practice, and the implementation strategies that can facilitate its adoption.
  • An established track record of designing and delivering high quality research on health, inequalities and its wider and determinants.
  • Experience of developing and implementing multi-agency research, engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, and working across organisational boundaries.
  • Experience of designing and delivering co-production in research studies.
  • Experience of writing successful research grant applications.
  • A track record of research publication and dissemination including academic publications, presentations at conferences and professional network, and translation of research findings for a range of audiences.
  • Desirable

  • Understanding of national and local health research systems and funders of public health research.
  • Post doctoral experience of applied research.
  • Experience of designing and delivering research in collaboration with local government.
  • Liknande jobb

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