Fachhochschule Kärnten / Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences sets high academic standards in an excellent location in Southern Austria where education, culture and technology are optimally combined. We ensure modern and application oriented degree programs in the field of Engineering, Management, Health Science and Social Work at superbly equipped FH-sites, with excellent teaching and research staff complemented by part-time lecturers from industry and international guest lecturers.
Details can be found on our homepage:www.fh-kaernten.at.
Details can be found on our homepage:www.fh-kaernten.at.
Since its foundation in 1995, CUAS has made history. Back then we started with 2 programs and about 70 students; currently we offer 30 study programs that educate almost 2000 full- and part-time students. About the same number of CUAS graduates is impressive proof of the necessity and importance of this academic institution. Through ever growing acceptance of the programs as well as the high demand for our graduates in industry, the programs will be further developed in the coming years.
CUAS has developed into a unique educational institution in Carinthia. Through constant further development of the degree programs at CUAS and intensive cooperation with the worlds of business and science, those studying at the university can be certain of a progressive education with its finger on the pulse of time. CUAS lives the vision of direct practical experience. Full- and part-time lecturers, as well as guest speakers from industry and business ensure an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented education. Degree programs are offered in the fields of civil engineering and architecture, engineering, as well as management, healthcare and social issues.
The quality of our education is emphasized through the development of innovative teaching and learning methods, such as, blended learning, which offers students and professors greater flexibility in the creation of a suitable learning environment.Furthermore, the CUAS library offers educational support through state of the art facilities. On all sites CUAS libraries administrate 33,000 media.
Diversity Charta
In February 2015 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences together with companies from the region of Carinthia has signed the Diversity Charta.
The Diversity Charter is a public, voluntary commitment by Austrian companies, institutions and organisations that enables them to declare their appreciation of the diversity of people, regardless of their gender, age, background and skin colour, sexual orientation, religion and world view, or of their physical and mental capacities.