Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris (ENP)

The Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris (ENP) is a non-profit foundation created in 2007 by the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education. In 2015, the ENP gathers a network of 109 teams located in 21 research centers in the Paris region performing research in 7 areas:
- Neurogenetics/neurodevelopment
- Neuropharmacology/cell signaling
- Neurophysiology/ systems neuroscience
- Neurological and psychiatric diseases
- Cognitive Neurosciences/neuropsychology
- Computational Neurosciences/ neural theory
- Interface Physics /technology/Robotics
Since 2007, ENP has launched, recruited and/or supported, through 4 mains programs (see below):
- 17 Invited International scientists hosted by ENP teams;
- 63 Scientific events supported and/or organized by ENP;
- 5 Starting grant: start-up support for young group leaders;
- 63 Graduate students, now 27 alumni.
ENP’s main actions
You are a scientific personality and wishes to start a sabbatical stay in one of the ENP teams? ENP gives you this opportunity through the “Invited Scientists” program.
- Applications have to be submitted by a team leader from ENP
- Free duration from 3 to 12 months
- General costs covered by ENP
- Help to find accommodation in Paris
- Year-round applications
You are a junior foreign research team wishing to start your career in France? ENP helps you develop and materialize your research project in France.
- Initial selection by the Research Centers of the ENP & applications have to be submitted by an ENP team leader
- Prospective teams have to come from abroad
- Decision by steering committee and ENP Board of Trustees
- The junior faculty commits to participating to the training program of the ENP
- No deadline
- A 4-year program open to all students having carried out their most recent university studies outside France
- One call per year:
- Free application
- Working language: English
- Attractive fellowship
- Affordable quality education in France