International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef

Achieve your personal career goal
Your interest in studying at our IUBH School of Business and Management shows that you are thinking seriously about your future.
Our locations in Bad Honnef and Bad Reichenhall are the right places for anyone looking to achieve a challenging managerial position in the service industry of the 21st century. And becoming one of its top decision-makers.
Alongside management training and management science, our Bachelor programmes in Aviation,Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management, International Management as well as Online Marketing, provide essential practical and professional orientation with an unparalleled international dimension. Our Master programmes in International Management and Transport & Logistics qualify you further for a position in senior management. Our expertise is recognised both in Germany and internationally and as a consequence, English is our predominant language of tuition.
The reputation we have acquired among experts and our know-how is placed at your disposal; as well as an inviting environment for studying.
Our success can also be yours, if you bring flexibility, mobility and a willingness to work as well as inquisitiveness and motivation. Then, the IUBH can become the best place for you to make your start into the future.
We are looking forward to welcoming you on campus soon!
Georg Ummenhofer (Chancellor), Prof. Dr. Claudia Bornemeyer (Study Dean), Prof. Dr. Kurt Jeschke (Dean), Prof. Dr. Karsten Leibold (Pro-Rector)
Our Mission Statement
In service to the international management potentials
The profile requirements of internationally employed managers have changed dramatically in recent years. The IUBH School of Business and Management has recognised this development as reflected in the future-oriented training it offers to interested young people as the first private, state-recognised university operating exclusively in the service sector.
With our attractive Bachelor and Master's degree courses we want to set new standards for the new generation of management. Our programmes are characterised by the effective transfer of subject-specific knowledge and soft skills in order to prepare our graduates for challenging management task. The courses offered are geared fully to the expectations of international companies.