Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies conducts basic research on the governance of modern societies. It aims to develop an empirically based theory of the social and political foundations of modern economies by investigating the interrelation between economic, social and political action. Using primarily an institutional approach, it examines how markets and business organizations are embedded in historical, institutional, political and cultural frameworks, how they develop, and how their social contexts change over time. The institute seeks to build a bridge between theory and policy and to contribute to political debate on major challenges facing modern societies.
Who decides what the MPIfG will investigate?
The research program is determined by the directors of the institute. Within the guidelines of the Max Planck Society, the directors are free to choose their research projects. Some forty to fifty researchers, including research staff, doctoral students, scholarship recipients, visiting researchers and researchers in grant-funded projects work together in teams that are often international. Researchers at the institute participate in research planning and develop their own projects in this context. The MPIfG does not do contract research.