Narvik University College

I am confident that the staff at NUC do their uttermost to make sure to ensure that the environment for study and living is as good as possible for you. We believe that a good environment helps you to perform better and to be better prepared for employment.
NUC is a small University College with easy access to staff. Support for subject related matter and discussions between staff and students possibly takes place more frequently than at other comparable institutions.
NUC has high quality facilities and works in close collaboration with both national and international industry and research institutions. It is possible to carry out part of your study abroad at another University due to the many agreements that NUC has with other institutions.
Students at NUC originate from more than twenty nations. We are a truly international organisation which makes it possible to find friends from all over the world at the NUC campus.
NUC has a lively student environment with many activities and facilities available. This should help you to maximise the student experience at NUC
We want YOU to join us in Narvik to study.
You will receive a warm welcome
You will receive a warm welcome
Arne Erik Holdø
Vice Chanchellor