Research Associate in Dynamical Systems
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant '’Predicting Critical Transitions in Complex Dynamical Networks: Reduction and Learning.'’
The successful candidate will work closely with Professors Jeroen . Lamb, Sebastian van Strien and Dmitry Turaev from the Dynamical Systems group in the Department of Mathematics of Imperial College, on aspects of the EPSRC research grant '’Predicting Critical Transitions in Complex Dynamical Networks: Reduction and Learning." The research concerns a collaboration with King’s College London (Dr Matteo Tanzi) and the University of Sao Paulo (Professors Tiago Pereira and Edson de Faria, and Dr Thomas Peron).
This position is well-suited for candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: (random) dynamical systems and ergodic theory with affinity for and/or experience with research in dynamical systems on networks. We welcome applications from candidates with theoretical as well as those with computational expertise.