
    • Glasgow

Ansök senast: 2024-08-29

Researcher - EXTEND

Publicerad 2024-06-30

Package Description

Extend: EX2324

Job Reference: 17026

Band: B

Salary: £24,300 - £28,953 depending on relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The expected salary range for this role reflects internal benchmarking and external market insights.

Contract: 8 Month Fixed Term Contract

Location: Office Base is Glasgow. This is a hybrid role and the successful candidate will balance office working with home working.

We're happy to discuss flexible working. Please indicate your choice under the flexible working question in the application. There is no obligation to raise this at the application stage but if you wish to do so, you are welcome to. Flexible working will be part of the discussion at offer stage.

  • Excellent career progression - the BBC offers great opportunities for employees to seek new challenges and work in different areas of the organisation.
  • Unrivalled training and development opportunities - our in-house Academy hosts a wide range of internal and external courses and certification.
  • Benefits - We offer a negotiable salary package, a flexible 35-hour working week for work-life balance and 25 days annual leave with the option to buy an extra 5 days, a defined pension scheme and discounted dental, health care, gym and much more.

Job Introduction

This role is advertised as part of our BBC Extend programme for disabled people. To apply for this role you should identify as deaf, disabled or neurodivergent and must meet either: the definition of disability in the Equality Act (2010), or the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) if applying in Northern Ireland. You're broadly defined as disabled under both acts if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative or adverse effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. This definition includes both apparent and non-apparent conditions and impairments, and medical conditions such as Cancer, HIV or Multiple Sclerosis.

We are committed to making the process of applying for this role as accessible as possible. If you need to discuss adjustments or access requirements for the application process, or have any questions about our Extend programme, please contact the BBC Extend team.via the shared mailbox.

The BBC are fully committed to providing workplace adjustments to help eliminate barriers in the workplace that disabled people face. To do this, we have our own dedicated BBC Access and Disability Service that provides assessments and support throughout employment with us. If you are successful in applying for this role and require workplace adjustments, we will work with you to get your adjustments in place.

If you'd like more information on BBC Extend, please visit the BBC Extend webpage.

Tha CBeebies ALBA a' sireadh neach-rannsachaidh a tha dealasach agus easgaidh. San dreuchd seo, bidh agad ri sgriobtaichean a sgrobhadh agus stuthan a rannsachadh a tha cruthachail agus tarraingeach do chloinn. Bidh pirt chudromach agad san sgioba agus bidh agad ri beachdan a leasachadh airson stiidiothan chloinne. Bidh agad ri obrachadh cmhla ri bun-sgoiltean agus sgoiltean raich agus bruidhinn ruitha mun obair a tha sinn danamh. Tha e riatanach gu bheil thu fileanta sa Ghidhlig.

CBeebies ALBA is looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic researcher. The role will consist of scripting and researching material that appeals to children. As such, you will play a vital part in how the team works and develops ideas for studio and short-form SCU content. You will also be required to work closely with Gaelic schools and nurseries and engage them in the work that we do. Gaelic language skills are essential.

Main Responsibilities

  • A' leasachadh agus a' rannsachadh bheachdan a tha freagarrach do chloinn eadar 3-6 bliadhna a dh'aois.
  • A' leasachadh bheachdan agus ag obair orra cuide ris an Riochdaire 's an Leas-riochadaire.
  • A' cuideachadh le planaichean agus a' deisealachadh stuthan a bhios air an clradh san stiidio
  • A bhith a' rannsachadh phrgraman tro bhith a' cleachdadh farsaingeachd de stuthan, agus a' dearbhadh gu bheil gach n for agus cothromach, agus a-rir stiireadh a' BhBC.
  • Research and develop appropriate ideas for a CBeebies audience.
  • Develop ideas, write scripts and present these to the AP and Producer for feedback and review.
  • To assist in the planning and preparation of content that is recorded in studio.
  • To research accurately when producing original content in keeping with the editorial brief, using a wide range of sources and reference materials and adhering to BBC policies and guidelines.

Are you the right candidate?

  • Fileanta ann an Gidhlig, an d chuid labhairt agus sgrobhadh.
  • Tha idh agad ann an craoladh agus sna meadhanan, agus tha tuigse agad air a bhith ag obair ann an sgioba riochdachaidh.
  • Tha tuigse agus elas agad air prgraman chloinne sa Ghidhlig, agus air prgraman chloinne a tha sianalan eile a' craoladh.
  • Tha elas agus idh agad ann am farsaingeachd de chuspairean, gu h-raid stuthan a tha cruthachail agus tarraingeach do chloinn le Gidhlig.
  • Tha elas agad air poileasaidhean deasachaidh a' BhBC agus poileasaidhean eile a tha buntainn ri leithid a bhith ag obair le clann, neo gu bheil thu asgaidh agus denach ionnsachadh.
  • Tha thu cuideachd a' tuigsinn cho cudromach 's a tha e a bhith mionaideach agus neo-phirteach a-reir stiireadh a' BhBC.
  • A bharrachd air faighinn a-mach mu na sgilean a th' agad agus na bha thu a' danamh anns na dreuchdan a bh' agad roimhe, tha sinn cuideachd airson faighinn a-mach mu na sgilean pearsanta agus proifeiseanta a tha a' dearbhadh gu bheil thu freagarrach airson na h-obrach.
  • Fluent in spoken and written Gaelic.
  • Has passion for broadcasting and the media industry and preferably practical experience of television production.
  • You have a good knowledge and understanding of Gaelic children's programming and an awareness of children's output produced by the BBC and other broadcasters.
  • You have a knowledge of and an interest in contemporary culture and entertainment particularly relevant to Gaelic-speaking children.
  • You have an awareness of BBC editorial guidelines and other compliance policies, or the desire and ability to learn them.
  • You also understand the importance of the BBC's values in accuracy and impartiality.
  • We'd love to know not only about your most relevant experience and responsibilities in previous roles, but also any achievements, transferable skills, or areas of personal or professional interest that highlight why you'd be a great candidate for this role.

About the BBC

The BBC is committed to redeploying employees seeking suitable alternative employment within the BBC for different reasons and they will be given priority consideration ahead of other applicants. Priority consideration means for those employees seeking redeployment their application will be considered alongside anyone else at risk of redundancy, prior to any individuals being considered who are not at risk.

We don't focus simply on what we do - we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are important to us. Please make sure you've read about our values and behaviours here.

Diversity matters at the BBC. We have a working environment where we value and respect every individual's unique contribution, enabling all of our employees to thrive and achieve their full potential.

We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of the BBC - whether that's to contribute to our programming or our wide range of non-production roles. The more diverse our workforce, the better able we are to respond to and reflect our audiences in all their diversity.

We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We will consider flexible working requests for all roles, unless operational requirements prevent otherwise.

To find out more about Diversity and Inclusion at the BBC, please click here.