Syötä avainsanoja

LabEx Tec21

Tec21 is the center of excellence for mechanical and process engineering of the Université Grenoble Alpes. We develop high-tech experimental and numerical approaches to deal with the complexity of natural and industrial systems in connection with a wide range of applications.

Fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, bio-mechanics and process engineering are the main scientific areas of interest of Tec21’s research community. We work on the elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms acting upon the behaviour of complex systems, i.e., natural phenomena, industrial processes, and materials. Our multiphysics and multiscale approach is essential to understand where and how the main couplings occur between the elements of a given system, and understand the way they impact on its functioning or behaviour.

This strategy leads to the development of analytical models which can be used for industrial conception, process enhancement, material design, risk assessment, and decision making.

Through a strategy coupling experimentation, modelling and simulation, Tec21 addresses complex industrial and environmental problems.
Tec21 is also involved in education programs aiming to give students the opportunity to manipulate the most up to date tools and concepts that are used in research, and provide them with practical experience.

Tec21 in involved in Research, education and industrial cooperation