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Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laboratory
Effective transfer of the new knowledge, mechanisms, and techniques generated by advances in basic science research into new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease is essential for improving health. TRAIL program seeks to facilitate interdisciplinary, collaborative basic and clinical research in image- based diagnostics and novel biocompatible technologies for evaluating treatments, interventions and drug delivery strategies. It will also provide evaluation on imaging techniques for patient care, public health impact and medicoeconomics impact. In 2007, we inaugurated a Bio-Imaging Institute called IBIO that brings together multi-disciplinary human resources and task forces (CNRS – CEA - INSERM – University of Bordeaux – CHU University Hospital – Cancer Institute) around the development of in vivo imaging methodologies and applied sciences for clinical imaging applications. TRAIL represents an opportunity for IBIO to move forward and create a strong organization for translational research in in vivo imaging.

Innovate for better medical diagnosis and therapy
Choosing the shortest way from bench to bedside, clinical practice and health decision-making The TRAIL project will focus on seven WorkPackages according to the recognized excellence expertise of partners and two emerging and original risk-taking topics. The development of each WP will foster the development of translational research with imaging specialties. These WP will be applied to five Medicine-Applied fields of Excellence: Oncology, Neurology, Cardiology, Pneumology, and Nephrology.