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Research institutions and Universities of "région Centre" have created in LE STUDIUM an innovative programme for bringing together the best scientists from abroad.

This programme hosts placement of high-level foreign researchers within laboratories for one -or two- year periods.

LE STUDIUM's objective is to enhance the profile of science in "région Centre", that it may figure as an European centre of excellence. Indeed, we wish the Loire Valley to be seen as a "Medici Villa of Science".

This initiative is actively supported by local, regional, and national governments, universities, research institutions, and companies.


Ary Bruand

STUDIUM est vehemens applicatio animi ad aliquid agendum cum magna voluntate (Honorius Augustodunensis).

Intellectual study (or research) is the intense application of the mind, with a great will, to any subject under investigation.

L‘étude (ou recherche) intellectuelle consiste dans l'application intense de l’esprit, avec une grande volonté, à toute question ou matière donnée.

Das Studium (im Sinne des intellektuellen und wissenschaftlichen Forschens) ist die intensive Auseinandersetzung des Geistes, mit grossem Willen, mit einem jeglichen Thema, Objekt oder Problem.

La ricerca consiste nella appassionata e volonterosa applicazione dell'animo umano alla indagine di qualsiasi argomento di studio.

El Estudio (o investigación) es la aplicación del intelecto para la búsqueda de la verdad, con gran espíritu, voluntad e intensidad.