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Molde University College

Molde University College was founded in 1994. We have approximately 1950 students and 180 staff members. Molde University College has two faculties, Faculty of Economics, Informatics, and Social Sciences and Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Care, both located at Molde Campus, 3 kilometers from the town centre of Molde.
Molde University College was upgraded to Specialized University in Logistics in January 2010.
Different and better
Our vision is to be different and better. This means that we are focusing on quality in education and in research. We want to provide our students with the best conditions, and to make their studies at Molde University College as efficient as possible. One of the things we emphasize is the relation between students and staff. We are proud of our academic staff and all the success stories from our graduates after completing their studies in Molde.
Our PhD programme in Logistics is internationally known and recognized. Our staff has a high standard in both teaching and research.